A few years ago I took a class from Terry Kramer on carving faces….he did a couple of exercises with us to help us learn how to get your right brain to kick in…one of things he said really stuck with me over the years. It really isn’t hard to carve wood; you just take a square block and round off the edges. The difference between a beginning carver and a master carver is his ability to see. The number one question asked of a carver is” how do you carve that bear” (or whatever) well you carve off anything that isn’t a bear and you are left with the bear.
The same is true for us; the difference in teachers and leaders is their ability to see. Our ability to see beyond that outside surface to the spirit that is beneath and then be the tools in the Lord’s hands to help to bring that little spirit out. He being the master can see under the surface and can whittle away at the surface and carve away all the imperfections until what he is left with is his masterpiece.
…"this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39)
I am so grateful that our Father doesn’t toss us away as being worthless junk ,but can see beneath the ugly surface to our potential within and gives us experiences to bring that out.