Monday, March 2, 2009


This past year there has been a number of changes around here resulting in our being busier
than we already are. One of the things that I tended to let go was my crafting time... this year my goal is to do one thing a week, "just for fun", but also for the practice.
( if you want to carve good faces ,you have to keep on carving faces. practice ,practice ,practice.)
I also keep tossing the idea around of sometime doing a bazaar, which means you have to have enough stuff around to sell.
Anyway I was working on this wizard when my husband asked if I would like to donate it to his
work for a silent auction to benefit The Junior Achievement program. so I finished it up and he
took it to work on Thursday.
The gentleman who bought it hovered by the sign up for the last hour telling everyone to go ahead
and bid but it was going home with him..needless to say the price did go up ( good for the cause ) but he got the stick,( good for him).
I also got an order out of this...somebody wants a goofy on a stick for their granddaughter, sometime before August so I have a little time. Pictures anyone??

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