Friday, June 12, 2009

Part 2--Contiued

the afternoon class that I took was a "hole in one" ,ball in a cage project. I have never done this before so thought I would give it a try. We had just been given the cutout of the wood and started marking it out when Son #1 stopped by with some lunch . he was asking what we were going to work on . I told him I was going to carve this ball in a cage that there was a ball in there that you have to carve out, he picked up the block and shook it by his ear and said that he thought I got a dud, He couldn't hear a ball rattle in there. ( sometimes I wonder about that boy...) anyway, worked on this the rest of the afternoon . fun project. I feel like I can finally say that
"I am a woodcarver" . It surprises me how many people who find out I carve the first thing they ask is if I have carved a chain , or a ball in a cage...when I say no, they say, "Oh" with great disappointment. ( seems as though I didn't measure up. ) but now I have finally arrived. I am sure that these people who ask have fond memories of someone who carved those things at a camp they were at. I just might have to carved some more of these.

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