Friday, June 26, 2009

Nap time.

Thursday, my daughter in law called and wanted me to go with her to the farmers market in town. I needed to go grocery shopping first, then we went to the market and picked up a few veges and cherries. there were Raspberries ,$4.00 for a small pint or @16 for a flat of 6 pints. ( yesterday I picked three large dutch ovens full of berries and there is that many more today to pick)
then we came home and put the food away ate lunch , then we played out in the pool for a couple of hours. We finally got GS #4 out and dried off then came in the house for awhile. We turned on the TV for a few minutes ( they had just announced Michael Jackson's death) ,when I noticed that it had gotten really quiet. Looked over and "C." had fallen asleep, Sadie (my dog ) was asleep and Grandson had fallen asleep on top of Sadie. They slept like this for about 40 min. Sadie didn't move a muscle the whole time. I finally got a blanket and put on them so he wouldn't get cold. I didn't have the heart to move him.

What a good dog!!

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