Monday, November 7, 2011

new walls/beadboard wallpaper

living room 

after 25 yrs in this house I am  really wanting a change . I would love to paint the walls, however being vinyl wallpaper it is not easily done. so we are starting small in the back bedroom which is our den/office/craft room and guest room.  the walls in the living rooms look like this. starting to feel really dark so we are thinking of doing this with it.
     so far we have two walls done and should be able to finish the other two this week. then new carpet before we start trying to put it all back.
     Should we keep going or stop while we are ahead...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"New cupboards"

coming along /new stove

desk after with new shutter doors from habitat store.

desk before
this spring I found myself with some extra time on my hands . When I came home from Utah after helping my parents for awhile I had taken a leave from work and when I got back found they were doing fine without me. (sigh) so needed things to keep me busy. I had been looking at kitchens looking for ideas to update our kitchen. My husband just wanted to take out the cupboards and gut the kitchen (someday at great expense in other words never gonna happen) . In looking around blog land I had stumbled upon Southern Hospitality beadboard party and I was in love. after  looking at the many linkups Iwent here to A country lady who had same wallpaper on her walls and cupboards as we did, and she just covered them up. SWEET. I can do that...just had to convince my husband. he agreed to let me experiment on the laundry room doors and if we liked it we could move on. Well it worked and it looks great and least to us. feels so fresh and clean. we painted the knobs  now hopefully it holds up. Someday maybe we will paint the kitchen walls but for now we are just enjoying the new look.
sorry the pictures are not in order but hopefully you get the idea of it.
doors before
doors after
